December 26, 2010

don't eat here!

at hotel salad bars, terrorists have poisoned them!

contact numbers to add to phone

taxi service, poison control, locksmith(or person who has extra set of keys), car towing service, and doctor

how to avoid traffic jams

go to

how to save

at museums, parks, and entertainment venues by saying you're a local. ask about reciprocity programs to get free admission to sister museums, etc

gift card alert

buy the ones behind the counter, because the ones on racks can have their balance stolen by thieves using a scanner

cancer prevention

eat 1 tbs. of lemon zest weekly, to shut down growth of abnormal cancer cells and cut risk of skin cancer by 30%. can be bought at health stores. sprinkle over soups or salads.

hair tips

instead of buying a clarifying shampoo, add 1 tsp.of apple cider vinegar to your regular shampoo bottle

generic multivitamins

work just as well as brand named ones

when feeling a headache

pullout a picture of a loved one, instead of taking a pain pill.

December 17, 2010

Three Ways You're Making Yourself Vulnerable to Cyber Crime

Do you wear seatbelts? Avoid raw eggs? Get a flu shot? In other words, do you behave in ways aimed at protecting your safety and your overall health? Now answer this: Do you have a password on your mobile phone? Do you tell your social networking sites where you are?

If so, you're not as safety-conscious as you thought. You're opening yourself up to a burgeoning world of cybercrime that is possible through mobile devices. And you are far from alone.

Unprotected devices

About one-third of the folks surveyed access the Internet via their mobile phone. And more than half of those do not have a password protecting the device. Think about what happens if you leave that phone in a cab. Not only does the person who find it have access to your entire contact list, he may be able to read emails that come from your bank, phone providers, and retailers you've made purchases from. Just like dumpster diving identity thieves are able to apply for credit in your name based on information they pull out of your trash or your mailbox, one who snags your phone could do the same.

Your Whereabouts

Changing your status or sending out a 140-character blast to reveal details about where you are -- "In Jamaica and it's 80 degrees. Lucky me!" or "Stuck in horrific traffic and won't be home in time for Top Chef" – is akin to leaving a stack of newspapers in your driveway. You're telling anyone who wants to rob your house that you're a.) not there right now and b.) won't be there for a while. Posting vacation pictures to your social networking site can do the exact same thing. In fact, the survey showed one-in-10 of people polled under the age of 35 had posted location-revealing information online within the hour of being surveyed. And that's without the aid of geolocation technology that allows a website to know exactly where you are. Only 15% of those surveyed understood that concept well enough to explain it.

Password malaise

This may be the most frightening of all: 42% of the survey population never changes their passwords on social networking sites and 31% never changes them with their banks. As if that weren't enough, many of those passwords are not strong enough to begin with. It's amazing to me that even in this day and age, the most popular password – according to consumer advocate Herb Weisbaum – is, wait for it, 123456. C'mon. Your passwords should be 10 characters, a combination of letters and numbers that have absolutely nothing to do with your real life. (No pet names, child names, birthdays.) And you should change them every few months without fail. Why? Because 66% of consumers would rather have bedbugs than be a victim of cybercrime – which costs hundreds of dollars and takes a full month to unwind, on average. Changing a few simple behaviors can help.

December 16, 2010

Be careful around...

swimming pools and jacuzzis because if the suction cup gets a hold of your shorts it'll attach itself to your intestines and suck out all your organs.

warning, don't do this!

don't back up your car into anything, or you'll car will fill up with carbon monoxide and poison you.

don't eat live snails, their parasites will go up your brain and eat it.

don't yell at a rat if it's in front of you, it'll bite you

never dive and fly on the same day, you'll get decompression sickness, and lose your ability to function.

December 15, 2010

Danger in Houston

they have pill mills there, where doctors prescribe for fake pains. a man working undercover got 120 of each of these: Vicodin, a muscle relaxant, and Xanax.

don't do this

heat water if you are going to be in a water dunking tank, like they have at carnivals. a man got electrocuted because the heater got knocked out.

Don't eat these plants

oleander, foxglove, or hemlock they will all cause death

Always do this

get a second or third opinion on everything, because the first opinion could be wrong

Don't do this!

don't spit phlegm or mucus onto the ground because it'll evaporate and will then contaminate the air!

Avoid this trap!

if you get a call from someone saying they're a government agent and tell you you'll be going to jail for not attending jury duty, but can bypass it, by paying, hang up. No government agent will ever call you. These scammers will ask for you day of birth, social security number, and credit card information to charge you.

How to Avoid Airport Gripes

fly nonstop as often as possible
fly first class
seats behind the toilets are the worst
be as early as you can be at airport

Blackout in a can!

It's not just beer or shots you have to look out for. Caffeinated alcoholic drinks like Four Loko pack up to 12 percent alcohol (three times more than beer!) and as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. So you get drunk fast but don't feel it because the caffeine revs you up, making you want to drink more

How to spot a party predator

he dares or teases you into drinking

does he encourage you to do shots or chug a beer? he's bad news

he takes you away from your friends

when he tries to lead you to an empty room or plays keep-away with your cell, beware

he tries to intimidate you

if he attempts to get you to hook up, by saying," I can have anyone else here," or "I thought you were cool," he's trying to coerce you.

For Womyn only

have a better period

don't smoke

research has linked smoking to major PMS gripes like back pain, breast aches, and acne. because it messes with your hormone levels. The longer you smoke, the more likely you are to suffer, so quit now to avoid period problems for life

ease up on candy & carbs

eating a lot of cookies, cake, and white bread triggers production of insulin, a hormone that causes the lining of uterus to build up faster. a thicker lining means a heavier, crampier period, its better to pick healthy whole grain breads and naturally sweet snacks, like fruit.

drink tea

drinking a cup of decaf green tea or chamomile can help, when you're crampy

take a calcium supplement

all those natural remedies or herbal "PMS" formulas don't work. calcium supplements may ease PMS symptoms, including moodiness and bloating. Take 500 mg twice a day: one with breakfast and one with dinner. Taking the supplement with food is key, it helps the body absorb the calcium and use it.

Is your period normal?

talk to your doc if:
you bleed for more than seven days
you go less than three weeks or more than six weeks between periods
you skip more than one period or stop menstruating for more than two months
don't panic, your doc can prescribe a pain pill, test for hormone imbalances, or put you on birth control pills to make you regular

Flu Prevention

viruses live in mucus and saliva so always sneeze into a tissue or into your arm
keep your plans if coughing, sneezing, and stuffiness are your only symptoms, try to rest as much as possible

stay home if congested with muscle or joint pain, chills, fatigue, or a fever. temperature over 101? see doctor ASAP

why people get sick:

test stress
your body pumps out adrenaline to get you through crunch times, like exam week. This adrenaline can also decrease your body's T-cell levels, they are your best defense against illness.


parties may mean alcohol and exposure to smoke both which paralyze microscopic hairs in nose that keep germs out of airways. lack of sleep also lowers resistance to illness.


cold temperatures keep you inside where its warm and cozy, indoor heating systems dry out the mucus that washes away bacteria and viruses from nose and lungs, you're also cooped up with everyone else's germs too


don't put luggage and clothes on hotel room bed or floor and sleep on an airbed to avoid bringing home bed bugs

spray bug repellent on luggage

Watch out for food!

eat at places where workers have on gloves and hairnets

fruits in containers sold at restaurants contain bacterias, if not at appropriate temperature

hot food is put in cold temperature cabinets
raw meat is on counter

these are all infractions at small restaurants at places like Walmart, the mall, etc.

the reason why they continue to exist, is because they fix the problems, but months or a yr later, they continue to do the same things, and it becomes a cycle

don't take free samples given out with toothpicks. the person may have put eye drops on and their eye mucus could migrate to the toothpicks.

Eating Tips

a lot of tea without water is bad, a glass of water should accompany every glass of tea

pull eye and apply eyeliner, but not so much

there's a lack of vitamins and minerals by eating lots of junk food

don't overexercise, it could make bones brittle

November 14, 2010

don't be a donor!

i saw this episode on the tv show 1000 ways to die, about a guy who was driving drunk and crashed and when the ambulance arrived, they assumed he was dead, but he wasn't, they saw his ID had the donor sticker and began taking his organs out, all while he was watching!! The name of the episode is Drunk Die-r.

Even if you don;t drive drunk, which you shouldn't, EMT's could assume you for dead, when your'e not.

ten air filtering plants

place any of these plants in your home:

bamboo palm

Chinese evergreen

English ivy

gerbera daisy

mass cane/corn plant

peace lily

pot mum

snake plant

striped dracaena

How to cure a cold

take up to 500 mg of vitamin C and up to three zinc lozenges a day.

eat chicken soup.

add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to a mug of hot water; down it three to four times daily.

Four ways to prevent a cold

Eat Right

eating too much junk food, makes you blood sugar rise rapidly. eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables instead.


work out for 30 minutes a day. but don't exercise for two hours, it will be unhealthy

Wash hands correctly

scrub hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before eating and after using the bathroom

Watch your bag

carry a leather or vinylone, it can be cleaned easier with an antibacterial wipe

November 12, 2010

store loyalty cards

stores that have them, charge more than stores that don't have cards. buy discounted goods without worry, but before purchasing full price items, look closely at price tag.

so-called toning sneakers

they don't work any better than regular ones. you'll be wasting your money by buying toning ones.

how to make money

go to estate sales, auctions, secondhand stores, and tag sales to get discounts on merchandise that can later be sold.

pet safety

keep medicine drawers closed and take pills inside a locked bathroom, so your pet can't eat pills that may fall on floor.

multivitamin warning

don't take a multivitamin to prevent bowel cancer, it won't wonk. instead eat healthy food and exercise.

November 5, 2010

Car cleaning tips

spray alcohol on windshield wipers

don't use hot water to get ice off of windshield

put foam shaving cream on windows inside and out, then wipe off with
paper towel. also works on bathroom windows

start car on cold days with baking soda. mix baking soda with water to make
a thick paste. with scrub brush clean tops and sides of battery, dry with cloth. engine should be turned off before.

swipe headlights with car wax to clean.

ebay tricks

post auctions on Thursday and switch settings to ten days instead of seven.

Airborne chemicals

place spider plants, boston ferns, or plams in your house, they absorb pesky chemicals in the air, instead of using aerosol sprays, etc.

October 29, 2010

3D glasses warning!

I just saw that 3D glasses are covered with fecal bacteria and other bacteria that can cause yeast infections, and hair and skin infections. Yuck!

But you can kill the germs, just wipe the glasses with an antibacterial wipe.

Don't go here!

Medellin, Columbia murders happen if you are the first person seen by a man wanting to join a gang as initiation.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico many women have been murdered, without the culprits being caught.

Trans-Canada Highway many murders have never been solved here.

October 28, 2010

debt tips

never, ever pay with debut card or credit card, always with cash, you'll save load on interest, etc.

don't let bill collectors mail get past you, they might sue you, and you'll have to pay way more than you originally owed!

you'll be paying for court fees, attorneys, etc.

6 biggest lies about food

Myth 1: Eggs are bad for your heart.
The Truth: Eggs do contain a substantial amount of cholesterol in their yolks—about 211 mg per large egg. And yes, cholesterol is the fatty stuff in our blood that contributes to clogged arteries and heart attacks. But labeling eggs as “bad for your heart” is connecting the wrong dots, experts say. “Epidemiologic studies show that most healthy people can eat an egg a day without problems,” says Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., R.D., distinguished professor of nutrition at Penn State University. For most of us the cholesterol we eat doesn’t have a huge impact on raising our blood cholesterol; the body simply compensates by manufacturing less cholesterol itself. Saturated and trans fats have much greater impact on raising blood cholesterol. And a large egg contains only 2 grams of saturated fat and no trans fats. The American Heart Association recommends limiting cholesterol intake to less than 300 mg daily—less than 200 mg if you have a history of heart problems or diabetes or are over 55 (women) or 45 (men). “That works out to less than an egg a day for this population—more like two eggs over the course of the week,” notes Kris-Etherton.

October 22, 2010

don't drink this

decaff coffee, it's stripped of caffeine with bleach!

save money by...

asking what the lowest price a mattress has been sold at. tell them you've seen
similar options for less.

buying red, yellow, gold, green, or orange cars scare off thieves,therefore saving you money by your car not being stolen.

instead of reporting incident as flood or mold, say there's been damage to property, when filing claim inspection.

placing silica gel packets in tool box and box of photos. silica gels are found in shoeboxes. they will prevent moisture, but never eat them!

clean shower doors with a used and wet fabric softener sheet

When to do what

clothes shopping thursday evening

plane trip saturday at noon

end ebay auction on sunday night between 6pm and 10pm
when buying something wait two minutes before auction ends to bid

buy car monday at six

see doctor from tuesday to friday at 1pm
worst time is late afternoon. avoid mondays for routine appointments

call customer service wednesday at 2pm

October 21, 2010

Avoid theft

never, ever leave bags, purses, or anything in your car. if you must, cover those items with a cheap sweater or plastic bag. one of my family members carried her expensive gold jewelry in plastic grocery bags. one time she lost the bags, but they were returned to her, with everything intact!

October 3, 2010

Tips on tipping


Bellboys should be given $1 or 50-75 cents per bag; luxury hotels $2 each or $5 for several bags. No tip is necessary for desk clerk, elevator operator, or concierge. $1 is normal for doorman on arrival, more if special service is provided. 50 cent tip for doorman for calling taxi is standard. Chambermaid should be given $1.50 per night, left in envelope marked "For thee maid."


Allow 15-20% of pre-taxed bill for the waiter. Maitre d' hotel may be tipped a few dollars for good table location.


Tip approximately 15%

Other Occasions

Airport and railroad stations 50-75 cents per bag, minimum $1.

Haircut, shave, and shoeshining 15-20%

Restroom atendant 25-50 cents

Airline travel tips

When passing through security devices, it's better not to allow film or disks through detector.

If carryon is bulky, have it tagged and stored beneath plane as luggage.

When selecting coach seats, remember that bulkhead seats and seats along emergency exits, allow extra leg room. Seats in front of emergency exits, don't recline and be uncomfortable on long flights.

Tips for traveling executives

All non-reimbursed business expenses may be deducted from personal income forms. Save receipts, tickets, and diary entries.

Car expense accounts should include actual odometer readings of business day, gas, tolls, repairs, parking, and other auto related expeditures.

Business and entertainment expenses should be kept separately. Meals, entertainment, and gifts should be put on list with date, place, and purpose of meeting.

Important Numbers

Center for disease control


AAA Road service nationwide


Legal Services


Amtrak railroads


First Aid

Check the scene for safety

Check the victim for consciousness, breathing, pulse, and bleeding

Call 911

If conscious but choking, give abdominal thrusts

If they become unconscious clear mouth and give 2 slow breaths

If air won't go in, give up to 5 abdominal thrusts

Repeat all steps until help arrives

October 2, 2010

Watch out for ATM crooks

Make sure the slot where you slide your card isn't a skimmer device, shield your pin number from view, and keep a close eye on balance.

Don't buy fake perfumes!!

I saw a news story that says fake perfume sold at flea markets or swapmeets contain urine, bacteria, antifreeze, and many germs.

By using them, you'll end up with skin rashes.

Fake perfume boxes have loose celophane, are thin, and barcodes on the side instead of the back.

It's better not to buy perfumes, because cheap ones are filled with gross things and the real ones are expensive.

Facebook warning

Never click on those facebook ads to the right, because those companies will get your personal information and use it to scam you.

October 1, 2010

Never, ever

Never go with a bank robber or any kind of thief, kidnapper, etc. Fight for them not to take you from the place they want to take you from, or you might be raped or killed.

September 12, 2010

If ever caught in an avalanche or on plane crash

Be sure to melt the snow before you eat it, to stay hydrated. Massage your hands and feet.

If caught in a plane crash, DO NOT give up! Fight for the will to,live even if you are the sole survivor or need to burn your hands to get your seatbelt off.

August 28, 2010

More money saving tips!

When planning a wedding, don't tell vendors what kind of event it will be, until all contracts are signed.

Buy 200-300 thread bed sheets and light colored.

August 26, 2010

Tips to save money

For Windows 7 and Vista click on the battery meter and choose power saver.

To get professional photographer photos, click on Menu, then color mode, then saturated or vivid on you digital camera.

Use 12 point Verdana as your font to lessen eye strain.

With remote control go to picture setting menu and turn brightness and picture to half the maximum.

Go to local hotels and colleges and ask if you can access their facilities for a small fee.

Instead of buying an eyebrow brush, use a clean toothbrush and Vaseline to tame your stray hairs.

Five Things Airlines Don't Want You to Know

From pilot fatigue to the water you drink onboard, what you should be aware of before catching a flight

The average airline passenger knows little about the tangles of procedure, technology and bureaucracy involved in the daily operations of a commercial airline. And for the most part, ignorance is bliss. After all, if getting from point A to point B as safely as possible is your main concern, you can rest assured that the U.S. commercial aviation system is among the safest in the world (your chances of dying in an airplane crash in the U.S. is calculated to be one in 13 million). But when it comes to the air you breathe onboard, the coffee you drink and the potentially very tired pilots flying your plane, there are some things the airlines prefer to keep to themselves.

Your captain and crew are often exhausted

Along with inadequate training, pilot fatigue was a factor during the investigation of the catastrophic Buffalo, N.Y., accident in February 2009, when a Continental Connection flight operated by Colgan Air crashed, killing all 49 people onboard and one on the ground. Pilots and crew will tell you that reporting to work after limited sleep and long on-duty hours is an all too common occurrence in the airline industry.

"The issue of flying tired is probably the largest threat to safety that occurs in the industry," says a captain for a major U.S. airline, who wishes to remain anonymous. "A lot of fatigue occurs after working a 14-plus hour day, followed by eight hours of 'rest' that includes transportation to and from the hotel, eating, sleeping, showering and having breakfast the next morning. It actually equates to about five hours of sleep, on a good night."

Under current FAA rules, pilots can be scheduled to be on duty for up to 16 hours, eight of which can be flying hours. "On many occasions, I have had a 14-hour day with eight hours 'rest', followed by another 14- or 15-hour day," says the captain.

Another longtime pilot for a U.S. carrier concurs, recalling a recent hop from the Caribbean to New York that involved a delay that led to him being on duty for 15.5 hours that day. "I had literally less than eight hours at the hotel [at the flight's destination] because it's 25 minutes there and 25 minutes back ... we were pretty well exhausted that whole next day."

As for the passengers on his plane, how many of them would have thought twice about boarding if they had known how tired their pilot was?

Your coffee might be made from bacteria-ridden water

Coffee and tea served in-flight are made from water pumped into the airplane's holding tanks by municipal sources at airports around the country. In effect, water from many different cities and sources mixes together in these tanks as the planes refill upon landing at new airports. Most passengers are unaware that the water used to make their coffee (even that highly touted Starbucks brew) is the same stuff that comes out of the lavatory sinks.

According to its website, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for "safe drinking water, both from your tap and on airplanes." But a 2004 survey by the EPA found many aircraft water systems out of compliance with national primary drinking water regulations designed to apply to traditional stationary water systems.

Because airlines fly to various destinations and are allowed to board water where they land, variations exist in maintenance of the equipment used to deliver the water to the plane (carts, hoses, trucks). And airlines claim that compliance with the EPA's rules for traditional water systems is not feasible. When the EPA tested water from the galleys and lavatories in 327 aircrafts, 15 percent tested positive for total coliform bacteria. And while coliform itself is not indicative of a health risk, its presence in drinking water "indicates that other disease-causing organisms may be present in the water system," according to the EPA.

"The EPA considers this [the 15 percent positive result] to be a high percentage of positive samples," it says on its website and advises passengers with compromised immune systems to opt for canned or bottled beverages when flying.

In 2002, an investigation by the Wall Street Journal tested 14 commercial flights and found bacteria levels tens and sometimes hundreds of times in excess of government limits. What was in those water samples? Such unsavory specimens as salmonella and tiny insect eggs. Gulp.

A new Aircraft Drinking Water Rule was signed in 2009 by the EPA to ensure safe and reliable drinking water for passengers and crew. It goes into effect in 2011. But how concerned should you be in the meantime?

Says one flight attendant about galley water: "I know it tastes funny because the water tank is filled at each station, meaning water from different cities gets mixed together. And I know a lot of people won't drink it. I also know a ton of flight attendants who've been drinking it for years. Me? No thank you. I'll take a diet soda if we've run out of [bottled] water."

Chemicals from the engine can make their way into cabin air

Who hasn't flinched, imagining all the germ-laden particles hurtling through the air when a fellow passenger has a coughing fit? Air inside an airplane cabin is circulated side to side rather than from the front of the plane to the back, which means you're breathing the same air as the passengers next to you throughout your flight. It's not a big deal out in the wide world of constantly renewing fresh air, but on an airplane you're breathing a mix of fresh air and re-circulated cabin air that gets staler the longer the flight.

As it turns out, however, there's more to worry about than whether the sneezing passenger next to you is contagious. In 2009, an undercover investigation by Swiss and German TV networks found contaminated air was a problem in 28 of 31 samples taken from inside cabins. The studies found high levels of a toxin called tricresyl phosphate, a chemical used in modern jet oil with effects that include everything from drowsiness and headaches to neurological problems.

Air enters airplane cabins through a "bleed air" system whereby hot air is drawn from the compressor area of the engines and then cooled before entering the cabin. There, it mixes with re-circulated air that passes through filters designed to remove bacteria and other infectious particles. If there are engine oil or hydraulic fuel leaks in the engines and the air passing through that area comes into contact with vapors from these chemicals, this may contaminate the air supply inside the plane, since filters cannot remove the toxins. Another noteworthy tidbit -- those long delays when your airplane is parked at the gate or a remote parking spot waiting for takeoff is when the air in the cabin is likely to be the most fetid. Since the engines are turned off during this time, fresh air is not circulating into the cabin as it is during flight.

Fewer checked bags means more sandbags in the cargo hold

Next time the pilot makes an announcement that you're being delayed at the gate while a few extra bags are loaded below, consider what might be being hoisted into the cargo holds instead. Adding sandbags to correct weight and balance in an airplane by providing ballast and redistributing weight has long been a common practice in the airline industry. But ever since the new checked bag fees were introduced on many airlines, with fewer passengers checking bags as a result, there's been an upturn in the need to add ballast before takeoff, particularly on smaller commuter flights that are more sensitive to weight issues.

"The weight balance of the aircraft is set up to where they're usually expecting a certain amount of bags to balance out the plane," explains the captain for a major U.S. airline. "So if we have 50 passengers on board, we expect 50 bags and that offsets the weight of the passengers and balances out the aircraft to give it the right center of gravity for take off.

"But what happens now, with charging so much for bags, is that people carry on so there's a weight balance problem. Because of that we end up carrying sometimes 500 or 600 pounds of sand bags to even us out."

The lavatories are even nastier than you thought

Next time you consider heading into the lavatory in your socks -- or worse, bare feet -- reconsider that move. Quick turnarounds mean there is hardly time for more than a cursory wipe-down of the facilities before the next passengers are invited to board.

In his book The Germ Freak's Guide to Outwitting Colds and Flu, microbiologist Charles Gerba, Ph.D., put lavatories on commercial jets to the test. He found E. coli contamination everywhere, from the faucets to the doorknobs. And the folks who face onboard bathrooms on a daily basis see them in a similarly unclean light.

"When it comes to lavs, they are just nasty," says our anonymous captain. "They should be serviced and drained after every flight but usually are not. It [cleaning] happens maybe every three or four flights at my airline."

He also reveals that aircraft cabins on his airline are similarly unkempt when it comes to deep cleaning practices.

"Every flight, the trash comes out and each night there's maybe a quick vacuum and lav wipe down but that's about it," he says. "We got a memo recently about planes getting cycled into a deep cleaning every once in a while, but I have no idea how often."

We suggest you board with your hand sanitizer at the ready.

August 20, 2010

It's hot!!

I hate living in Escondido, it's like an oven in my house!!!

To make matters worse I only have a fan and no AC!!

I've never had AC at any of the places where I've lived!!

July 29, 2010

How to save water

Don't wash food bits before putting dishes in the dishwasher. Don't pre-rinse either, it's a waste.

Use ice cube trays instead of the freezer's ice maker.

Put plastic bottle with some sand and place in water tank of toilet.

Water plants at dawn, when the sun isn't strong, twice a week.

A free way to get rid of weeds

Put leftover boiling water over weeds, but be sure not to pour accidentally over plants.

If a package of poultry says 15% solution, it means it was injected with salt and water. Therefore costing more!

July 27, 2010

Everyday Things You Shouldn't Trust

You know you can’t rely on that friend who always cancels plans at the last minute. You also know you’re probably better off filling your gas tank before it’s on “E” instead of trusting the accuracy of your gas gauge. In fact, after a lifetime of trial and error, all of us have learned that it’s sometimes safer to be less trusting.

Still, it’s not good to always be looking for problems. Research has linked certain personality traits—including distrust—to a higher risk of heart problems. The key, then, lies in knowing what to trust…or figuring out a way to work around things you know you can’t. Here’s some help doing just that.

Don’t trust: The numbers on your scale
You step on your scale after getting home from the doctor’s office, and the readout doesn’t match what the nurse wrote on your chart. The scale at your gym gives you another reading. And the one at your weight-loss group offers yet another.
Trust this: To test your scale at home, take a dumbbell that’s 10 pounds or heavier, and center it on the scale. Figure out how much the scale is “off” so you can calculate your actual weight. Or don’t worry about the exact number—just use the number as a guide. Weigh yourself once every morning, and see if it’s the same as yesterday. If the number goes up by more than 2 pounds, adjust your diet and exercise program to get back on track.

Don’t trust: Calorie-burn readouts on exercise machines
The number of calories you burn during an activity depends upon factors you can’t input into an exercise machine’s computer, such as what percent of your body weight is muscle. One study found that these machines may overestimate calories burned by 10 to 30%.
Trust this: Focus on the machine’s time and distance readouts. Both are usually fairly accurate, since one is just a measure of time and the other is calculated based upon how many times the treadmill or bike wheels cycle around. Write down your workout minutes and mileage each day. Try to go a little farther in the same number of minutes each week—or exercise for a few more minutes at the same pace. Either way, you’ll know you’re improving.

Don’t trust: E-mails from coworkers
Two recent studies looked at how honest people are when they e-mail, compared with when they write a letter using pen and paper. The findings: E-mail makes it easier for people to lie. In fact, in one study, e-mailers lied over 92% of the time, while those using the pen were untruthful less than half of the time.
Trust this: Face-to-face talks about important issues may be more reliable, since you can pick up on nonverbal cues. Also, you’ll be less likely to misinterpret what someone is saying—a definite problem for people who e-mail. If getting together isn’t possible, ask your coworker to send you a handwritten note through the mail. Experts say that people may feel that statements written in ink carry more legal weight than those typed on a computer.

Don’t trust: Feeling a forehead to check for fever
In a recent study, when moms felt their child’s forehead, abdomen, and neck to check for a fever, they didn’t usually “miss” a fever—but they sometimes thought the child had one when he didn’t. (Doctors who used the touch-test had the same problem.)
Trust this: You can feel the forehead first, but follow up with a thermometer. If your child is age 4 or older, use a digital thermometer held under the tongue. (Ear thermometers can give inaccurate readings if they’re not positioned right or if there’s earwax in the way.) If your child just ate or drank something hot or cold, wait 15 minutes before taking his temperature by mouth. For instructions on taking a younger child’s temperature, talk with your pediatrician. Also ask how high the temperature should be before you call their office for help.

Don’t trust: When someone who’s ill says, “I’ll be fine!”
You’re at a get-together and someone complains of shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, or cold sweats. They say they just need to sit down. Don’t trust it: These are just a few of the sneaky symptoms of a heart attack.
Trust this: Not all heart attacks look like the ones in the movies. Most heart attacks begin with mild pain or discomfort—often in the center of the chest—and worsen slowly. But some heart attacks cause discomfort or pain in one or both arms and/or the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Women are more likely than men to experience these less “classic” symptoms.

When in doubt, call 9-1-1 within 5 minutes. If a heart attack is occurring, the person can receive help up to an hour before they would if they were driven to the hospital by car. To learn the warning signs of stroke and cardiac arrest, too, visit the American Heart Association Web site at

Foods that ease asthma attacks

An asthma attack -- in which one can't get enough air -- can be an extremely frightening experience. So, of course, you'd do anything to avoid one. And it turns out watching your diet may be one such thing.

According to internist Dr. Alan Gaby, an unrecognized food allergy or intolerance is a contributing factor in at least 75 percent of childhood asthma cases and about 40 percent of adult cases.

"As early as 1959, Dr. Albert H. Rowe, a pioneer in the field of food allergy, successfully treated 95 asthmatic patients with dietary changes alone," says Gaby.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the pathways that carry air in and out of the lungs. When a person has asthma, those airways become inflamed and sensitive to a variety of substances (in air, food and the environment). The response is similar to an allergic reaction, which is one reason asthma is often linked to allergies.

The immune system of someone with asthma mistakenly identifies substances, such as pollen, dust, dander and certain foods, as being dangerous. It overreacts to protect against the substance by creating inflammation in your lungs and narrowing your air passages. Muscles around the airways tighten up, allowing less air in; the airways become even more swollen and narrow, and it becomes harder to breathe.

Dairy products top the list of foods most likely to provoke asthma. Other suspects include tree nuts (such as cashews, almonds and walnuts), milk, eggs, soy, chocolate, wheat, corn, citrus fruits and fish. Tartrazine (yellow dye No. 5), which is used in many foods, including cereals and soft drinks, is believed to be a trigger for thousands of people. And, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, foods with sulfites -- such as beer, dried foods, processed potatoes, shrimp and wine -- may also trigger asthma symptoms in susceptible people.

Knowing that some foods can make asthma worse, you might wonder if there are foods that can help calm asthma symptoms.

You may not be able to completely wipe out asthma symptoms with food, but emerging evidence points to the fact that higher intakes of omega-3s and vitamin C from food (especially fresh fruit) and supplements can certainly help.

Because asthma is an inflammatory condition, to fight that response make sure your diet contains foods rich in natural anti-inflammatories, such as omega-3's (found in cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna) is a really good idea. The plant flavonoid quercetin, found in apples and onions, is highly anti-inflammatory, as is the spice turmeric.

"In my experience, increasing the intake of plant-based fat (avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, almonds), fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help considerably", says nutritionist Cynthia Sass. She adds that probiotic and omega-3 supplements may also help.

Another supplement that might be helpful is the oil of the shea nut. Shea nut oil extract with a high tripertene content has been shown in more than 30 clinical studies to be highly anti-inflammatory. It is available in an over-the-counter supplement called FlexNow.

Low intakes of vitamin C from food or supplementation can lead to increased risks for asthma. A 2005 study done by researchers from the Asthma and Allergy Research Institute in Australia found that the blood concentrations of vitamin C were markedly lower in patients with severe asthma. A review article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that "symptoms of ongoing asthma in adults appear to be increased by exposure to environmental oxidants and decreased vitamin C supplementation."

Studies have shown that one to two grams of vitamin C per day is most helpful. This level is also helpful for those suffering from allergies. Foods high in vitamin C include peppers (green and red), kale, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, guavas, oranges, grapefruit, kiwis, peaches, oranges, strawberries and pineapples. Although it's best to get your vitamins from food, you may need to include supplements in your diet to get adequate amounts.

Following a Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve asthma control, possibly because of the high content of omega-3's and vitamin C. This diet is full of fresh fruits and vegetables. The ones mentioned above can help you get your requisite C, and omega-3s are plentiful in the olive oil, nuts, avocado and fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, which the diet features. A 2008 study in the journal Allergy found that high adherence to a Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of noncontrolled asthma by a whopping 78 percent. Those people who were controlling their asthma had significantly higher intakes of fresh fruit in their diet.

And, since these foods are so good for you anyway, they certainly couldn't hurt.

July 19, 2010

Money Saving Tips

If your out of toothpaste, then fill a glass with hot water and put tube for 1 minute then squeeze immediately.

If low on lotion, then cut off bottom of tube.

If your printer says no more ink, print anyways, because more often than not it has at least 20% of ink. If the ink isn't enough, then blow dry the cartridge, place it back, and use immediately.

If condiments like mustard, ketchup, etc are running low then add a couple of capfuls of white vinegar and shake.

If laundry detergent is low, then remove cap and water, close then shake.

To remove stains from T-shirts, add an aspirin to the wash once its full of water.

July 15, 2010

What is your body telling you?


White tongue coating

Could mean: You have a yeast infection—the oral type, that is, says Bruce Robinson, M.D., of the American Academy of Dermatology. Your mouth maintains a fine yeast-bacteria balance, but when foreign stuff (think: antibiotics) throws that out of whack, the yeast portion grows unchecked and coats your tongue. A prescription antifungal rinse should clear things up. If it doesn't, revisit your doc.

Inflamed gums

Could mean: You're knocked up. "Your dentist is often the first to know," says Sassan Rastegar, D. D. S., a dentist in New York City. "Swollen gums are one of the early side effects of the hormonal changes that come with pregnancy." If your gums are puffy or bleed when you floss—and your period is late—it may be time to take a pregnancy test.

Your guide to a perfect smile.

Cracked mouth corners

Could mean: You're vitamin deficient, says Wilma Bergfeld, M. D., a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. ("Otherwise," she says, "you're a big lip licker. Stop that!") A lack of B vitamins— specifically, B2, B6, and folic acid—can dry out the sensitive skin on the outer corners of your mouth, causing unseemly cracks on your kisser. Adding nutrient-rich eats such as leafy greens and watermelon to your regular diet should smooth out any rough patches, says Vandana Y. Bhide, M. D., a board-certified internist in St. Augustine, Fla.

7 Pains you should never ignore.


Sparse outer eyebrows

Could mean: Your thyroid isn't pumping out enough hormones, says internist Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of From Fatigued to Fantastic! More than 27 million Americans have thyroid disorders, and eight out of 10 of those are women. The right prescription meds should get your hormones—and brows—back on track.

Dark under-eye circles

Could mean: You have allergies, says Jennifer Wider, M. D., of the Society for Women's Health Research. Nasal congestion from allergies can dilate and darken the veins around your eyes and nose. Once you pinpoint and treat your allergen culprits—often with OTC meds—your under-eye shadows should fade.


Thinning hair

Could mean: You have a thyroid issue. If you've been noticing more breakage when you blow-dry, head to your G. P. for a thyroid test, says Kent Holtorf, M. D., founder of the Holtorf Medical Group in Los Angeles. Brittle hair can also be a sign of malnourishment—specifically, deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A. So for the love of your hair (and your health), steer clear of any lownutrient crash diets.


Brown splotches

Could mean: You've had a self-tanner mishap... or you have a benign condition called melasma that's often associated with oral contraceptives, says Dina D. Strachan, M. D., a dermatologist in New York City. Doctors aren't sure why some birth-control pills cause these dark patches on the forehead, cheeks, or upper lip, but they do know UV exposure makes them worse. Your M. D. might recommend a hydroquinone cream.

Small yellow bumps

Could mean: You're looking at fat deposits caused by high cholesterol, says Svetlana Kogan, M. D., an internist in New York City. The yellowish bulges can appear anywhere (yes, on thin people too) but are most common on the knees, elbows, hands, and feet. Make an appointment with your doc for a simple blood cholesterol test.

A rash on your rump

Could mean: Celiac disease, which is triggered by eating gluten, can manifest itself as an itchy red rash or blisters on your derriere. Ten to 15 percent of people with gluten intolerance get this inflammation, which can also appear on your elbows and knees, says Howard Sobel, M. D., a cosmetic dermatologist in New York City. Fortunately, once you cut pasta, wheat bread, and other gluten sources from your diet, you'll kick the butt blisters too.

Build a better backside with this leg and booty-busting workout.


Brittle nails

Could mean: Your frail nails might indicate nutritional deficiencies like low calcium, vitamin D, or zinc, says Andrea Cambio, M.D., a dermatologist in Cape Coral, Florida. Sporting nude nails more often and maintaining a balanced diet may help. Or you can try soaking your nails in water for five minutes at night before moisturizing them with an alpha hydroxy cream.

July 3, 2010

Great remedies

Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately -- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional "pain relievers."

Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns?

Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.

Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil, for instant relief for aching muscles.

Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.

Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer. Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly -- even though the product was never been advertised for this use. (Note: Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine is not the same and contains aspirin, which can cause stomach bleeding if you have ulcers.)

Honey remedy for skin blemishes... Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight.

Listerine therapy for toenail fungus... Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.

Easy eyeglass protection... To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them.

Coca-Cola cure for rust... Forget those expensive rust removers. Just saturate an abrasive sponge with Coca Cola and scrub the rust stain. The phosphoric acid in the coke is what gets the job done.

Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer... If menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home and you can't find the insecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop to the ground instantly.

Smart splinter remover...just pour a drop of Elmer's Glue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticks to the dried glue.

Hunt's tomato paste boil cure...cover the boil with Hunt's tomato paste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring the boil to a head.

Balm for broken blisters...To disinfect a broken blister, dab on a few drops of Listerine ... a powerful antiseptic.

Heinz vinegar to heal bruises... Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process. Kills fleas instantly.

Dawn dish washing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Goodbye flees.

Rainy day cure for dog odor... Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh.

Eliminate ear mites... All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, and then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing.

Quaker Oats for fast pain relief...It's not for breakfast anymore! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.

July 1, 2010

For Pregnant Women

No matter how painful childbirth is never, ever agree to an epidural. An epidural is an injection given right on the spine bone to make childbirth less painful, but afterwards you will feel pain in your spine for as long as you live.

Health Tips

Memory foam mattresses are allergens, hang them on a line outside for days and squish them once in a while to release the allergens.

Scented candles emit a lot of chemicals, more than the ones outside! Use flameless candles instead.

To kill 100% of washing machine germs, pour one cup of bleach and run it on the hottest setting without any clothes.

Pay before the due date

You should pay your bill or cancel an account before the due date, because if you wait, you might get charged more or continue being charged for that account.

June 29, 2010

Spa Warning

Whenever you go to a spa, make sure your wallet is free from credit cards and any money not being used to pay for the spa.

This is because while you're getting pampered, the masseuses take out your credit cards and charge huge amounts on them!

June 28, 2010

Gel Manicure Warning

Jane Ubell-Meyer wears a bandage on her thumb, which suffered nerve damage from a fake gel manicure. Imagine being zapped with nerve pain anytime your hand touched anything.

That constant level of pain was an everyday battle Jane Ubell-Meyer had to face for months after a botched gel manicure, reports Elizabeth Leamy for ABC's Good Morning America.

"Anything that touched my thumb caused an electric shock, whether it was air or water. I would get an electric charge that went up my thumb, through my elbow, up to my arm," says Ubell-Meyer, her hand and thumb so thickly wrapped in protective material, that it looks like a cast.

After desperately seeking out the help of a host of doctors that included a orthopedist, dermatologist and chiropractor with no success, it was finally neurologist and Consumer Reports medical adviser Dr. Orly Avitzur who discovered the culprit: a fake gel manicure gone wrong.

In the traditional gel treatment, nails are electrically filed and a coating of gel applied, which is hardened by UV light dryers. In the newer CND Shellac hybrid gel-polish manicure, the electronic filing stage is skipped, though a thin coat of colored gel is still applied to nails and put through a UV light treatment cycle to set the gel.

But even though Ubell-Meyer paid for and thought she had received a gel manicure, she had not.

When the manicurist was filing her nails, the machine slipped and abraded her skin. The manicurist then continued on and dipped the finger in a powder to set it, which Dr. Avitzur says allowed the unknown white powdery chemical to penetrate the skin, migrate, and cause excruciating nerve damage.

With hundreds of thousands of women in the United States receiving safe gel manicures without problems, celebrity nail technician Patricia Yankee says that it's the technician you have to watch out for.

"Nine times out of ten, the unskilled, uneducated technician is the one causing the issue," says Yankee.

So how do you know if you're getting the real thing, or exposing yourself to the risk of a dangerous fake gel mani?

There are several signs to look for.

There should be no mixing of glue or polish -- the technician should only be using a paint-on gel and UV dryer to set the manicure. Your fingers should not be dipped into anything loose that can migrate into skin, and make sure containers that the manicurist is working from are branded and marked.

Strong, sickly smells emitted from containers are another danger sign that products have been mixed into a potentially hazardous blend.

Skin cuts and abrasions and pain felt in the nails or hands during services are all signs that your technician is poorly skilled and could seriously hurt you.

True gel manicures are ultra shiny and clear once completed, while fake versions will look too cloudy to see through to the nail.

And there's another industry where cheaper and dangerous versions of the 'real thing' are lurking: bargain boobs and botox.

June 27, 2010

Securing your home when going on vacation

Going on a trip? Take precautions to keep potential intruders away from your property.

When you finally take some time off for vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is what might go wrong at home while you're away. But the reality is that your home could be a sitting target for burglars when it's empty.

The good news? With this simple checklist, you can head for the sunshine knowing your house is safe and secured. The key to deterring intruders from your house? Make sure your home looks lived-in, even if you'll be away a couple weeks. Here's how.

1. Arrange for mail to be held while you're away. Mail quickly piles up in the mailbox (hello, catalogs!), and an overflowing mailbox is a sure sign to everyone that you're not home. You can easily stop mail delivery by notifying the post office online. Then you can pick up your mail when you get back.

2. Put your newspapers on hold. Besides the waste of paper (who's going to read old news when you return from vacation?), a pileup of newspapers on your doorstep is an easy red flag that you're away.

3. Show-off your alarm system. Make sure to have an easy-to-see sign on your door or window to alert everyone of your spiffed-up security system. Consider putting up a sign, even if you haven't invested in a high-tech alarm.

4. Don't button up the whole house. It's natural to want to "close up" the house while you're away, but you want to give the appearance that the house is lived in. Leave drapes and window treatments slightly open, rather than closed shut. Put some of your indoor lights on timers, and have some of them go on at night to give the appearance that someone's at home.

5. Invest in motion-sensing floodlights for the yard. Now is a good time to consider investing in motion-sensing floodlights. When you're on vacation, glaring light will deter potential intruders. And when you arrive home, it'll be easier to see what's going on at night.

6. Leave a radio on. To those outside, the buzz of voices will make it seem like there are people at home. Choose a talk station, like NPR, rather than an station that just plays music.

7. Leave a car in the driveway. If you're flying to your destination, simply leave your car in the driveway. If you're taking a summer road trip, ask a neighbor if they could park one of their cars in your driveway while you're away. It's also a good idea to alert a neighbor or friend that you'll be away, so they can keep an eye on your house.

8. Arrange for your lawn to be mowed. You want to stop some services (like mail delivery) while you're away. But others, like getting your lawn mowed, should continue on just like you're at home. Arrange with your landscaper to have your lawn mowed as usual while you're away. If you typically mow your own lawn, consider hiring a local to come mow your lawn once while you're away during extended trips. Long grass is another sure-fire signal to burglars that the house has been vacant.

9. Take a walk-around your house a week or so before you leave. Check for any shrubs, hedges, trees, or landscaping that looks overgrown (also look for tree limbs that provide an easy route to an upstairs window.) Trim any greenery that looks like it would provide a hiding place for intruders.

10. Make sure unnecessary electrical equipment is turned off while you're away. It's a good idea to plug your electronics in surge protectors that are easy to power on or off with the flick of a switch. You'll also be saving energy (and saving on your electric bill!) by powering off the TV, computer, and entertainment center. Many appliances are also known as ghost energy hogs, sucking energy even when they're simply turned off. By plugging these devices in a safety surge protector, you can stop the flow of electricity.

11. Give the cat-sitter or dog-sitter a spare key before you leave. You don't want to hide the key under a rock, doormat, or in the BBQ grill. These are all known hide-a-key tricks; they give burglars a free pass into your house.

Tip: Ensure you come home to a fresh house post-vacation. Clear your refrigerator of any perishable foods (you can offer your milk to your friendly neighbor) and make sure you take out stinky trash before you leave.

June 24, 2010

Why so expensive!

Yesterday I went to the movie theater and the price had gone up from $10.50 to $11.25 in six months!

R they kidding? The economy's in the toilet and they're raising the price of movie tickets!!

June 19, 2010

Health hazards at the mall

Shopping for a new bikini, a pair of running shoes, or a hot new shade of lipstick? You likely expect to bag some fabulous deals, but you might also be taking home a concoction of microbes that could spread anything from cold sores to a staph infection. “Bacteria can live on dry clothing for three to six months,” warns Philip Tierno, Ph.D., director of clinical microbiology and immunology at New York University Langone Medical Center.

In his research, he has routinely found respiratory secretions, skin flora and even fecal flora on clothing. But regardless of how gross it sounds, Tierno says that with a little common sense (wash your hands after shopping, wash your clothes before wearing them), the likelihood of getting sick from a shopping trip is very low.


Chances are good that whatever you put on your head has been on several heads before you. The biggest concern from all that trying on is the possibility of the transmission of lice. If a person with head lice tries on a hat and then you put it on, the critters could start a new infestation in your hair. The good news is that because lice can’t live more than a day or two without human contact, there’s a good chance they’ll die off before they can get to you.


Women’s panties and thongs are probably the most potentially problematic garments in the store. “In our research, women were allowed to try them on without underwear and return them to the rack, or even buy them, try them on at home and return them to the store,” says Tierno. “We tested sample garments and found vaginal flora and fecal flora on many of them.”

Tierno suggests trying on underwear (if you must) with your own on, but even then, be sure to wash your hands as soon as you leave the store to avoid transmitting harmful bacteria by touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Bathing Suits

Unlike underwear, most women’s bathing suits feature a so-called “hygiene strip” in the crotch. Its purpose is to allegedly protect you from exposure to the vaginal and fecal flora that could potentially lead to yeast infections, staph infections or the gastro-intestinal norovirus (which causes the stomach flu). But don’t let that little strip lull you into a false sense of security. “If other people have tried on the suit without underwear, the strip can trap organisms,” says Tierno.

The safest approach is to wear your underwear while trying on suits. And when you bring home a new bathing suit, it should be washed just as you would new underwear. “Some women must pull off the hygiene strip to try on suits and then replace it,” says Tierno. “Because when we tested bathing suits, we found organisms both on the strip and on the fabric underneath it.”
And when you buy new panties, always wash them before you wear them. “Most laundry detergents don’t contain antibacterial agents to kill things like fecal flora, so pretreat them with a little peroxide before washing with detergent,” says Tierno.


Do you wear flip flops in the gym locker room to protect yourself from athlete’s foot? Well those same fungi could be lurking in the shoe department. When people try on shoes without socks they can leave behind skin cells and possibly the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. (Try these home remedies for athlete's foot.)

You can protect your feet while trying on shoes by keeping them covered (wearing socks or those little throw-away liners that most shoe stores offer customers). And when you buy a pair of shoes, you should disinfect them to eradicate any bacteria or fungus left behind by previous shoppers. A spritz of bacteria-killing spray (like Lysol) on the inside of the shoe should kill anything potentially harmful before it gets to your feet.

Eye Makeup

Mascara is particularly notorious for growing and harboring bacteria—which is why experts recommend you toss open tubes after six months. (What is the shelf life of makeup?) “If we throw out mascara for fear of our own bacteria, imagine what might contaminate it if several people are using it,” says Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University.

To protect your eyes from conjunctivitis (more commonly known as pink eye) and other infections, you really shouldn’t test makeup directly on your eyes. If you insist on it, make sure to only test mascara at a makeup counter that provides single-use applicators. Eye pencils, liner and shadows can be tested on the back of your hand. But if you really want to try them directly on your eyes, use a Q-tip or disposable applicator for shadows and sharpen eye liner pencils before using.


You probably wouldn’t kiss someone with a cold sore, but if you try on lipstick or gloss at the beauty counter, you might be unwittingly exposing yourself to that same herpes simplex virus. “You should only use new or freshly cleaned brushes to apply lipstick,” says Alexiades-Armenackas.

At better makeup counters, you’ll see the makeup artists who work there disinfecting lipstick by dipping it alcohol or wiping off the top layer of product with an antibacterial wipe. High traffic days will mean more customers and less time for employees to clean products, so to be safest, avoid testing on weekends or any time there are people lined up to sample a new shade.

Makeup Brushes and Sponges

“Brushes, sponges, and pads are all used repeatedly and that can cause bacteria to build up on them,” says Alexiades-Armenackas. Whenever possible, apply makeup with disposable applicators (like cotton pads or single-use sponges) instead. If you go to a counter where a makeup artist is applying products for you, make sure she disinfects her brushes with antibacterial spray—and washes or disinfects her hands—before she starts working on you.

June 17, 2010

How to keep cool in the heat

When you're about to go to bed on a hot day sprinkle a little baby powder on the sheets before going to sleep. Also taking a warm shower or drinking something warm when you're hot will cool you down. Drinking something cold or taking a cold shower will have the opposite effect. Keep cool!

June 16, 2010

Those harrasing debt collectors!

The other day I saw an episode on debt collectors done by the TV show Dateline and I learned something interesting. When a debt collector calls telling you the cops are on their way, it's a lie, because I saw a woman talking with her hand on the phone receiver threatening the caller with police coming to get her if she didn't pay up.

To see the videos go on to youtube and type in dateline credit card debt trap.

June 1, 2010

Vacation Tips

Go right now, before airline rates go up

Check your hotel receipt for hidden charges like:

Resort, bellman, minibar, and room service charges.

If you weren't told about these charges, you have a right to dispute them

Travel insurance should be bought if your going on a 5,000 dollar cruise,but not if you're buying a  cheap ticket. Don't buy insurance from the cruise line, buy it from a third party. 

May 24, 2010

Things you should avoid this summer

Going to the salon for a pedicure

Nail salons are filled with germs and some can be transmitted when a pedicure is performed, better to buy a pedicure at home kit. DO NOT shave the day of the pedicure!

Going to the beach

A lot of tests have found MRSA in beach water. If you must go, cover your bruises and cuts with bandages, then take off as much sand as you can from yourself, then take a shower, and wash the clothes immediately do not put them in the laundry hamper.

May 15, 2010

Money Advice & Earthquake Safety

NEVER EVER lend money out! People I know have lent out money to family, friends, co-workers, etc. and they've either never gotten paid back or it took years for them to get their money back.

In case of an earthquake, don't go underneath chairs, desks, or anything. Better to lie down in fetal position next to chairs,desks, or anything. Because if you go underneath these things, you will get squashed. 

May 13, 2010

Avoid dying in a plane crash

First 3 minutes and last 8 of a flight are the most dangerous

You have a 1 in 35 million chance of being involved in a plane crash in the US

Open airbag after you are in the water, not while you're inside plane

Get an aisle seat near the behind or front exit

Families should sit together

7 things to stop doing on Facebook

Using a Weak Password

Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile

It's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.

Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls

For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.

Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption

Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.

Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home

That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.

Letting Search Engines Find You

To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.

Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised

Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

May 9, 2010

Gasoline tips

When the gas pump offers a choice of slow, medium,or fast mode choose slow.

Avoid service stations, go to gas only stations.

Turn gas cap until it clicks three times.

Don't add fuel after pump auto shuts off kicks in.

May 8, 2010

I need less breathing space!

You know how some people have a friend or friends who barely give u breathing room, because

they're always inviting you places and what not? Well I want that! My friends give me wayyy too

much breathing space! I want less breathing space!!

May 5, 2010

9 habits that will age you

1. You keep your college bedtime

It’s not uncommon for superbusy women to cram a day’s worth of around-the-house to-dos into the late evening hours, a practice that pushes back bedtime into — eep! — "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" territory. The problem with this is that too-little sleep is proving to be really, really bad for your health: Research links it to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, and even just looking tired and older. 

Act your age: We’re not saying you need a perfect 8 hours every single night, but make sleep a priority more often and your body will thank you. Everyone's sleep needs are different; to find out what yours are, sleep experts recommend you turn off the alarm clock when you're well rested, and see how long you naturally sleep. (Most people need 7 to 8 hours.)

2. You have a soft spot for sweets

A sugar-packed diet can take its toll on your waistline, but now experts also believe it can make your skin dull and wrinkled too. To blame is a natural process known as glycation, in which the sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGEs, for short). The more sugar you eat, the more AGEs you develop; these damage surrounding proteins like collagen and elastin, which keep skin firm and elastic. Once damaged, springy and resilient collagen and elastin become dry and brittle, leading to wrinkles and sagging. These aging effects start at about age 35 and increase rapidly after that, according to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

Act your age: It's not easy to eliminate sugar completely, but limiting added sugar to no more than 10% of total calories can help. If you're a 45-year-old woman of average height (5-foot-4), that's 160 calories (or 10 teaspoons) from added sugar — about the number in one 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola or six Hershey's Kisses. By comparison, the average American consumes 31 teaspoons per day of added sugar, or the equivalent of 465 calories. Watch for stealthy sugar in unexpected foods, like salad dressing. Many prepared foods contain hefty amounts of sugar, but it's hidden under aliases — including barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, and turbinado — on ingredient panels.

3. You’re stressed more often than not

You don’t feel good when you’re stressed-out — be it from work projects piling up, a miserable commute, issues with the kids, etc. — and there’s good biological proof why you shouldn’t. Stress increases the concentration of the hormones cortisol and norepinephrine in the bloodstream, kicking up blood pressure and suppressing immunity.Over time, stress that doesn’t go away can delay healing, harden your arteries, and possibly shrink areas of your brain involved in learning, memory, and mood—talk about feeling older!

Act your age: Stress will never go away completely, but how you manage everyday blips can keep hormones on a more even — and healthy — keel. Deep breathing is the top antistress pick of Prevention advisor Andrew Weil, MD: He makes time for it at least twice a day. “It only takes 2 minutes,” he says. “I do it in the morning, when I’m falling asleep in the evening, and anytime I feel upset.” Try it: Exhale strongly through the mouth, making a whoosh sound. Breathe in quietly through the nose for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7, then exhale with the whoosh for a count of 8. Repeat the cycle 3 more times.

4. You only exercise when trying to lose weight

Exercise is one of the best turn-back-the-clock agents around, but too many of us don’t reap its full benefits because we only associate physical activity with weight loss. If you tend to hit the gym in 2-week stints to shed a few pounds, but then take a few months off from physical activity, you’re missing out on some major health perks. Research shows that vigorous exercisers have longer telomeres — cellular biomarkers that shorten as we age — compared with healthy adults who rarely work out. Being active consistently can help fight brain fog, reduce inflammation, and prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions that crop up over time.

Act your age: Don’t let your sneakers get dusty. Choose any activity you enjoy — be it walking, cycling, or dancing — and aim for a minimum of 20 to 25 minutes a day. Break it down, if you have to, into two 10-minute sessions. Slowly increase the frequency, duration, and intensity in small increments. If you miss a day, don’t let it become a habit; just pick up again the next day.

5. You blast your iPod

Nothing makes you feel 80 years old like having to cup your ear and say “Excuse me?” to get your friend to repeat herself … again. Hearing loss typically develops slowly, the result of prolonged exposure to thousands of high-decibel insults to the ear, many of which come from exposure to everyday gadgets, like iPods or hair dryers. MP3 players set at 50% volume can pump out sounds up to 101 decibels, well over the recommended safety threshold.

Act your age: To ageproof your iPod, keep the volume as low as possible. Use noise-canceling earbuds to block out ambient sounds, reducing your need to jack up the volume. Wear earplugs when you’re around other loud noises too, like the garbage disposal, coffee grinder, lawn mower, etc.

6. You never see your girlfriends

Your friends were probably the meat and potatoes of your social calendar back in your 20s; now you spend most of your spare time shuttling your tweens around to their various get-togethers. But here’s why making time to cultivate your friendships is so key: One study found that satisfying friendships predict longevity better than even close family ties, and they can protect against obesity, depression, and heart disease, among other health problems. No wonder you always feel reenergized after a marathon catch-up call with your best college friend or a girls’ night out with your high school crew.

Act your age: Your friends keep you young — simple as that. So if hectic schedules keep you apart, consider carving a more permanent place in your schedule for friend time. Take advantage of Facebook or e-mail groups to stay in touch on a more frequent basis — even clicking through and commenting on a pal’s recently uploaded vacation photos can help you feel closer.

7. You eat fruits and veggies — but not every day

You’ve likely heard that antioxidant-packed fruits and veggies can help you stay young. These powerful compounds fight free radicals that would otherwise wreak havoc on your body and skin, damaging cells that can lead to cancer and make you look older. But here’s the rub: Antioxidants remain active for only a few hours and need to be continually replenished, so don't think you're set for the week after eating a big salad for lunch on Monday.

Act your age: ODing on veggies a couple of days a week or month—and skipping them the rest of the time—doesn’t do your body any favors. To truly maximize their age-defying benefits, aim to eat antioxidants every 4 hours or so or with every meal.

8. You’ve shunned all fat from your diet

Cutting out artery-clogging saturated and trans fats is a heart-healthy move, but when it comes to your health and vitality, equally slashing unsaturated fats, like those found in fish, nuts, and olive oil, is like throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. One kind, omega-3 fatty acids, is the ultimate anti-aging fat, essential for protecting your brain, heart, bones, joints, skin, and more. Another kind, monounsaturated, can lower bad LDL cholesterol, raise cardio-protective HDL cholesterol, and decrease your risk of atherosclerosis. Plus, studies suggest that a higher intake of these fats may contribute to longer life expectancy.

Act your age: Remember that fat isn’t inherently evil, and it won’t make you fat per se. About 20 to 35% of your daily calories should come from fat (mainly healthy, unsaturated fat) like those from the above sources.

9. You can’t remember the last time you had sex

Yep, sex feels good and does wonders for your mood, but it’s also fantastically great for your health. Research shows that people with active sex lives have stronger immune systems, less pain, a lower cancer risk, healthier hearts, and less stress. The best news: It can even make you look younger — up to 12 years, a study shows.

Act your age: Rekindle the romance between you and your spouse. To shake things up, try making the first move next time. “Some women are not active participants in their sex lives,” says Pat Covalt, PhD, author of What Smart Couples Know. “A lot of men would like to be touched more, seduced more. Everyone wants to feel wanted.”

May 4, 2010

Things to improve your mind

Exercise 13 minutes a day

Memorize things

Eat salmon, curry, and blueberries

Warning signs your boyfriend/husband is controlling

Your husband tears up wedding gown

Boyfriend tells you to get married quickly

He's persistent If you tell him  no, he persists. Anyone who doesn't understand no, is trying to control you

When a man says no, it's the end of the discussion. When a girl says no, it's to negotiate.

Never go in somewhere you've never gone before the break-up. Like for example your ex invites you in, but he never has before.


How to prevent a dangerous hospital illness

Wash your hands with soap and water, and do it long enough that you can sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. 

Health care workers: wear masks and gloves.

Disinfect. Use hospital grade, chlorine-based products and ask if the hospital room has been disinfected for C. diff before checking in. 

Use antibiotics judiciously to avoid creating resistant "superbugs."

May 2, 2010

Preventing Theft

No entrance views from the outside

Never post vacation plans on Facebook

Have dog on premises

No Big bushes

Put valuables in kids room

April 30, 2010

When a thief or gun shot confronts you

Slow things down, tell me your name and how much money you have

Defend yourself with your shoes,bag, belt, whatever you have

Concentrate on neck and hit them there

When you hear a gun shot, get down behind something, take two to three seconds, DON'T PLAY DEAD!! Escape cover to cover (behind trash can, etc), when getting shot at run zigzag and get rid of bright clothes, high heels, anything that can slow you from running!

When you get pulled over

Put both hands on the steering wheel

Put on interior light

Say you don't want to take the breathalyzer test.

Say no when they ask if they can search your car.

Money Saving Tips

Eat 1/4 cup of walnuts to prevent dandruff.

Use a pump for the shampoo.

Let soap sit for one month before using, so it can harden.

Use foam soap.

ask hotels for corporate discount before final booking.

Tips for cars, women, and everyone

When your car won't start up, put 2 aspirin in battery.

To remove stains from clothes: Put 5 aspirin under water, smooth pills over sweat, let dry overnight, then rinse hot.

To reduce speeding ticket insurance rate plead not guilty, show up to court.

Resubmit health insurance bill, ask doctor for letter.

To lower doctor bills, talk to senior level administrator and request a more reasonable price.

Hope these tips help!

April 29, 2010

I bought a new computer!!

I bought myself a new HP mini!! It's is so cute!!

Hopefully I can finally work online with it.

March 2, 2010

My Boring Life

Well, I got fired without my knowledge about a year ago. It was unexpected, but now I'm thankful, they treated me so bad!!

Now I will hopefully be a customer service rep. from the privacy of my home!